Welcome to the World of beat the drum


Beat The Drum have been busy in Milan recently, launching their new Evening Wear Collection. They will be showing the collection at their “Outsider Shows” and pop-up events in and around the art galleries, clubs and strip bars of the city throughout the Spring season. 
Watch this space for more Beat The Drum European Collection updates.


Beat The Drum have a long established association with the Dunning-Kruger effect, using it as a fundamental philosophy of creativity and experimentation. There are controversies over this philosophy as to whether it counts as irrational, or whether it results in useful attitudes or behaviour. The Dunning-Kruger effect is when someone who knows fuck all about something, is under the deluded impression that they are in fact, an expert on said something.


'Trickster makes this world' the book from our good friend U.S. academic Lewis Hyde, explores how the power of disruptive imagination creates culture.

"Art is a lie that tells the truth." - Pablo Picasso.


Science and Art are often considered opposites, however science and art naturally overlap. Both are a means of investigation. Artists and scientists both strive to investigate the deeper truths of reality. Loved by both Brian Eno and Professor Brian Cox, electro pop pioneers Beat The Drum are being praised for their breath taking track “This Is!” Science has long known everything living is connected to everything else in the universe. Everything is just different aspects of one huge intelligent interconnected living system. Philosopher Alan DeBottain says of the track “Absolutely awesome, I am gobsmacked at what they have achieved, it's a game changer”


Every morning the princess struggled to rouse herself from her slumber, try as she might. She found it hard to raise herself from her suitably “comfortable for a princess” bed of down and soft linen, which had been warmed by her nights rest. She tried many things, over many years, but was never quite sure she had found the right way to wake up and start the brand new day.

Then a friend mentioned to her that they had tried something new, which she might find refreshing and stimulating, and offered to set it up as a surprise start to her very next awakening, to which she swiftly agreed. When it was time for bed that evening she found it difficult to fall asleep, because of her excitement and anticipation of what the next day might bring.

The next morning, as she awoke, the conductor in the corner of her room (for this was a princess, in a princess sized bedroom), gently waved his baton, And the beautiful noise that is Beat The Drum started to shake the walls of the palace.


The quest for authenticity and congruence, paradoxically, can often be more truthfully expressed through artifice and the creation of stories. 

Absurdist London electro pop pioneers Beat The Drum insist on it. 
So should you.


Chris Calloway and Steve Murrell have known each other since school. 

They knew they were destined to work together when Steve walked in on Chris who had an old Woolworths amplifier on its back, with a guitar laying across it, howling away to itself and feeding back like crazy, and Chris said “it's great, how it changes”. 

He may have been there for some time...


Winter isn't easy. 
It gets cold. It's dark for sixteen hours a day. 
But we only get a finite number of winters. 
So don't waste them. 
Dust off your warm coat. Get out for a lovely long walk. 
Mull wine. Mull cider. Mull everything. 
Eat as many Sunday roasts as you can. 
Go ice skating. Remember how bad you are at ice skating. 
Relax, smile and listen to the music of Beat The Drum. 
And soon it will be spring.


We write songs and music and make a beautiful noise. We create things . . .
We make stuff up, that's what we do.

Not everything that we tell you is a lie, but as Oscar Wilde said "Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things, is the proper aim of Art".